Associate Professor of Political Science, Emory University | Trainings Director, Evidence in Governance and Politics
NEW: Bowers, Voors, and Ichino. 2021. The Theory and Practice of Field Experiments: An Introduction from the EGAP Learning Days (Open access resource)
Ichino, Nahomi and Noah L. Nathan. 2021. “Democratizing the Party: The Effects of Primary Election Reforms in Ghana.” Published on FirstView (vol/issue tba), British Journal of Political Science.
Ahlquist, John, Nahomi Ichino, Jason Wittenberg, and Daniel Ziblatt. 2018. “How Do Voters Perceive Changes to the Rules of the Game? Evidence from the 2014 Hungarian Elections.” Journal of Comparative Economics 46: 906–19. (Replication code and data)
Bowers, Jake, Bruce A.~Desmarais, Mark M. Fredrickson, Nahomi Ichino, Hsuan-Wei Lee, and Simi Wang. 2018. “Models, Methods and Network Topology: Experimental Design for the Study of Interference.” Social Networks 54: 196–208.
Glynn, Adam N., and Nahomi Ichino. 2016. “Increasing Inferential Leverage in the Comparative Method: Placebo Tests in Small-n Research.” Sociological Methods and Research 45(3): 598–629.
Glynn, Adam N., and Nahomi Ichino. 2015. “Using Qualitative Information to Improve Causal Inference.” American Journal of Political Science 59(4): 1055–71. (Replication code and data)
Ichino, Nahomi, and Noah L. Nathan. 2013. “Crossing the Line: Local Ethnic Geography and Voting in Ghana.” American Political Science Review 107(2): 344–61. (Replication code and data)
Ichino, Nahomi, and Noah L. Nathan. 2013. “Do Primaries Improve Electoral Performance? Evidence from Ghana.” American Journal of Political Science 57(2): 428–41. (Replication code and data)
Ichino, Nahomi, and Noah L. Nathan. 2012. “Primaries on Demand? Intra-Party Politics and Nominations in Ghana” British Journal of Political Science 42(4): 769–91. (Replication code and data)
Ichino, Nahomi, and Matthias Schuendeln. 2012. “Deterring or Displacing Electoral Irregularities? Spillover Effects of Observers in a Randomized Field Experiment in Ghana.” Journal of Politics 74(1):292–307. (Replication code and data)
Foundations of Small-Sample Causal Inference (book project with Adam Glynn)
Political Party Organization and Women’s Empowerment (with Noah Nathan)
Debate, Discussion, and Gender in Nepal